Steven Watterson


Computational Cardiovascular Research @ Ulster University


Trends in Causes of Death Across Europe and the Island of Ireland, Ellen Mason, Steven Watterson (2024)


Meeting the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) target to identify 25% of the Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) population by 2024, Christopher Page, Taranjit Singh Rai, Haiying Wang, Huiru Zheng, Maurice O’Kane, Shane McKee, Padraig Hart, Steven Watterson (2022)


A freely available, simple-to-use computational model of atherosclerosis, Andrew Parton, Victoria McGilligan, Melody Chemaly, Maurice O’Kane, Steven Watterson (2019)


Bio-marker Discovery Using Orange Data Mining And Shannon Data Entropy, Dean Boardman, Steven Watterson (2019)


Systems Pharmacology as a tool for future therapy development: a feasibility study on the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway, Helen Benson , Steven Watterson, Joanna Sharman, Chido Mpamhanga, Christopher Southan, Peter Ghazal, Presented at the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Conference, Dublin, 2015


Digital clocks: Using Boolean logic to analyze circadian clocks more powerfully, Steven Watterson, Andrew Parton, Ozgur Akman, Nigel Binns, Andrew Millar and Peter Ghazal, Presented at the International Conference in Systems Biology, Heidelberg, 2011